Hey y'all! Happy Sunday!
Hope all is well and you're enjoying your weekend! :)
I'm still on the path of feeling better...the one day I felt 10x better, then came the next day and felt darn right awful. Yesterday, was somewhat the same way. Now today, I'm starting to feel better again. All this up and down is driving me crazy! ugh.
Anyhow, as many as of you know, I recently did a 'corner makeover' of my crafty space. Well, today I will share my pretty much finished outcome!...And I say 'pretty much finished' because are we ever really done making over our crafty space?!...Now, I won't be doing much more to my space for awhile. I don't know about you, but it is some hard and exhausting work! ;)
*Please note: This is somewhat of a long post! I'd love for you to stay with me and read everything, just so you can imagine and know how BIG of a makeover this is for me. Though, I understand if you go straight to the pics. ;)
Okay. So knowing me and how I am, I didn't even think of taking before pictures! I was just excited to finally have a big upgrade, so I didn't hesitate to start disassembling things! lol I'm gonna give y'all a good description of 'before'...
10 years, almost 11 years ago...
Starting out on one side of the wall in your bedroom. Having boxes full of stuff and trying to figure out what you really have, don't have. What you have room for and not. Cutting paper on the floor and folding cardstock on top of a hard book or something other. Then you move to a slightly bigger place and think, oooh I'll have a bigger space. Which that bigger space is a walk in closet. Not huge but bigger than before. With somewhat the same set up of having boxes full of stuff, but able to buy a little more because of the extra room. And going from the floor to a tv tray to cut and fold things on, etc. Then, you move again. To about the same size place, but no walk in closets. Therefore, you put your dresser inside the closet and work on top of that. Which you store your stuff above the dresser on one big long shelf. No light in the closet, so you use what you can from the bedroom light. Then after 3-4 years, you move. again. Though, this time to a house. Which becomes your home. It's way bigger with more room but the storage isn't the best. To start, you use an old tv stand/entertainment center on one wall in your bedroom. With the tv stand you have some storage cubbies/openings, which gives you some actual 'spots' to put certain things. But you still have stuff in your closet and under the bed. You still need more room. Then you 'make do' with things you already have and add a 'homemade' hutch (which is really only 2 shelf's) on top of the tv stand against the wall. It gives you some more storage to add a few more things on. Still not enough room but you work with what you can. Then about a year or so down the road, you add a couple more shelf's on 'L brackets' next to the tv stand. Giving you some more space to add a little more things to. It's starting to look like a real work area, but still not enough room, no chair (just the one you pull from the dining room table) and it's beginning to be an eyesore. With everything stacked upon stacked, nothing concealed, and this still is suppose to be your bedroom. Then, you do some rearranging around the house and want the tv stand/entertainment center back out in the living room. In return you pull a simple three little drawer desk from the living room into your room. Clearly not enough space, but you go with it and make it work. After a month or two, you finally break down and say I'm doing something for myself. That's when you buy an actual desk to house pretty much every.single.thing. and buy storage containers rather than boxes, buy clear sleeves to organize your stamps, and buy storage containers to store your markers in and a chair, an actual desk chair...you go all out because your just fed up and tired of things just not doing the job, tired of the eyesore, tired of everything. It's all or nothing.
And this is what you get in return...
A nice, organized, clean work 'corner' in your bedroom.
I put this desk all together by myself! And I now see why people get paid good money to put together drawers! lol (What a time consuming and pain they are!) ;) |
Inside the drawers and under the desk.
Stamp storage.
On top of the desk and side unit.
Washi tape storage/top of desk.
Markers/ink storage.
Overall work space.
Whew! Sure hope you stayed with me and enjoyed?!!... :)
Over time there may be a few other storage things that I'll do, but for now, I'm done.
In the end, I couldn't be more happier with my new and improved space! And I still have a wonderful bedroom to sleep in. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by!
And if you have any great storage tips, I'd love to hear them?!! :)
Enjoy your day!